Praié wines

Fresh, healthy, natural. Inspired by tradition, our wines have been reinterpreted for today’s palate.
Vines cultived respecting Nature and the environment.

In order to protect the authenticity of our wines, both in the winery and the vineyards, we strictly follow natural processes.

CRU of all Western Liguria Riviera DOC wines

Pigato from Testico, Vermentino and Grenache from Colla Micheri, Rossese from Cervo and the sparkling Lumassina from our organic vineyard at Tovo San Giacomo.

The young and innovative spirit of Praié

finds its ultimate expression in Andalora and Andarosa. They are both sparkling wines produced with the Martinotti method and crafted to give Rossese and Ormeasco native vines the opportunity to convey their best characteristics.

Il Canneto - Praié - Pigato D.O.C. Riviera Ligure di Ponente


Don Lisander - Praié - Vermentino D.O.C. Riviera Ligure di Ponente


Ros'é - Praié


Stundaio - Praié - Rossese D.O.C. Riviera Ligure di Ponente


Sciurbí - Praié - Granaccia D.O.C. Riviera Ligure di Ponente 2021


Zefiro - Praié - Sparkling Lumassina ancestral method, Colline Savonesi I.G.T.


Andalora - Praié - Brut Martinotti method sparkling wine


Andarosa - Praié - Rosé brut Martinotti method sparkling wine


Vines cultivated respecting Nature and the environment.

A history of passion and dedication handed down over time.
The story of Praié starts with Don Lisander

who chose to plant his Vermentino in one of the most beautiful spots of the Western Ligurian Riviera, Colla Micheri. This area is blessed with a mild, favorable micro-climate and gentle sea breezes.

In 2019, Praié joined the PEQ Agri world.

The ten-year leadership of Massimo Viglietti, the previous owner, perfectly complemented our company's values: respect for the principle of organic production and protection of the wines' authenticity by following strict rules both in the cellar and the vineyards.